Thursday, August 25, 2011

Which Service Is Responsible To Register A and PTR Records In DNS?

Every computer on the network has to register the DNS Records in the DNS Server so that a computer can be accessed by name also. The DNS Query will always go to DNS Server for resolving Name to IP and vice-versa. 

The following services are responsible to register (A) Host Record and PTR Records when the client computers start: 

DHCP Client Service
A computer running Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows 2003 use DHCP client service to register Host and PTR Records in the DNS Server. 

DNS Client Service
A computer running Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 always use DNS Client service to register Host and PTR Records in the DNS Server. Computers running these version of windows do not use DHCP Client Service.

Why DNS Works On Both TCP and UDP

DNS and some other Services work on both the TCP and UDP Protocols. Two protocols are different from each other. TCP is a connection-oriented protocol whereas UDP is a connection-less protocol. TCP requires the data to be consistent at the destination and UDP does not require the data to be consistent or does not need to establish the connection with the host for data accuracy. 

 DNS uses TCP for Zone Transfer over Port: 53
It is necessary to maintain a consistent DNS database between DNS Servers. This is achieved by the TCP protocol. This communication happens between DNS Servers only. The Zone Transfer feature of DNS Server will always use TCP protocol. The connection is established between the DNS Server to transfer the zone data and Source and Destination DNS Servers will make sure that data is consistent by using TCP ACK bit. 

DNS uses UDP for DNS Queries over Port: 53
A client computer will always send a DNS Query using UDP Protocol over Port 53. If a client computer does not get response from a DNS Server, it must re-transmit the DNS Query using the TCP after 3-5 seconds of interval.

A Quick Tip To Reconfigure Windows Time Service

Windows Time Service is used by the client computers or Server computers to sync time with its Domain Controllers or authenticators. Sometimes, Windows Time Service modules may be corrupted. You can use the steps mentioned below to reconfigure the Windows Time Service with its default settings:
Go to Command Prompt and type the following commands:
  • Net Stop W32time
  • W32tm.exe /unregister
  • W32tm.exe /register
  • Net Start W32time
The above commands re-register the Windows Time Service module; Win32Time.DLL and its sub-components.

A Quick Tip To Modify The Interval For DHCP Database Cleanup

DHCP Server must delete the "expired records" from its database (dhcp.mdb file) so that it releases space for new IP Addresses. By default, it does every 4 hours. You can modify this value by hacking the following registry entry:
  • KEY Name: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\DHCPServer
  • Entry Name: DatabaseCleanupInterval
  • Type: REG_DWORD
  • Value: (in minutes), default is 4 hours.